• Researchers interested in publishing his work in a book of proceedings with ISBN, must send their paper proposals (in English) through the platform specially created for LACSC 2020:

Example of paper proposal in the appropriate format:

• In the following link the authors must create their users and upload their corresponding Abstract/Paper proposal:

• Submission of a final paper proposal is optional and, in the case the paper is accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings, the authors keep their copyright, so that they can submit a revised version to the journal of their preference.

All authors will be notified of the receipt of their Abstract proposal, as soon as they are received. The authors, whose research have been accepted for presentation, will be notified during the month of March 2020. On that date the official notification of acceptance will be sent so that the authors can prepare a final abstract and an optional final paper, and can begin the process of permits and financing to comply with the deadlines established by the Organizing Committee.

ITAM Santa Teresa