
The Department of Statistics and the Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering of the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), and the sponsoring organizations, the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) are proud to announce both the:

V Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2021)

April 19-21, 2021 (Virtual)

LACSC is the annual conference of the Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (LARS-IASC). The main purpose of LACSC is to foster the progress of the theory, methods and practice of statistical computing in Latin America. In 2021 we will have the 5th edition of LASCSC in Mexico City, following its previous successful editions of 2016 in Gramado (Brazil), 2017 in Valparaíso (Chile), 2018 in San José (Costa Rica), and 2019 in Guayaquil (Ecuador).

3rd LARS-IASC School on Computational Statistics and Data Science

April 17-18, 2021 (Virtual)

Stochastic Simulation and Reinforcement Learning

The IASC-LARS Courses aim (1) to spread the knowledge base and advances in Statistical Computing in Latin American and the world, (2) to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of the ongoing research in computational statistics, (3) to provide an overall perspective of the application of computational statistics in data science problems, (4) to present applications where computational statistics have been crucial to solving problems in real-life applications, and (5) to increase the number of researchers and practitioners in computational statistics and data science.


IASC sponsors the conference and school, authors and participants can apply in the following link:

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